Saturday, July 26, 2008

"What Happened To You?"

...the question Roy asked me yesterday

Thursday, July 24 around 3pm:
I opened my friendster page, lotta updates from my friends, opened M's page. M has posted some new pictures, and it's her with the new boyfriend, finally they're telling the world that they are together, i'm so happy for them, even happier for M who had her share bad boyfriends (a guy who got some girl pregnant, to the no-strings attached types, to the guy who borrowed money from her mother to be able to work abroad and reunite with an old girlfriend, the nerve), i gotta post some comments on the photos.
Went to M's profile page and read some really nasty comments from her boyfriend's ex, the nerve of that girl. I immediately called M's mobile to tell her about the nasty testimonials. Her bad for having a public profile, M gave me the email add and the password and i set her profile to friends only.

Friday, July 25 morning:
My friend is really upset, I got to stand up for her, i emailed her bf's ex using my nephew's account, i have written some really strong words, she deserved it.

Friday, July 25 afternoon:
Talked to another friend (another M) through ym, her problem's even more difficult. She's currently working abroad. But before that, she and her bf made plans of reuniting abroad. M has been out of country for a while now, without the bf. 1st week of July, they broke up. July 25 afternoon, M discovered through Friendster that her bf has been seeing another girl all along, some guys really are jerks (thank God, mine's not). My friend is really upset, major upset, they have been together ever since college, and the "Jark" threw it all away.
Time to defend my friend, testimonials for the "Jark." T'was so fun, my friend smiled for a while.

Saturday, July 26
"Jark's" viewed my private profile, and his own is change from public to private and my testimonials from the other day? Deleted! Haha, fine the message been sent.
Found the girl's page, it's public! Photo comments here I come. I spent the whole morning posting comments on her photos, the slut, damn her for upsetting my friend. After a few hours, her page is already private, hahaha.

Friday, July 25 around 6
Roy asked me why I am still at the office, still online, should have been getting home. Told her what I have done. "Naunsa ka, nganong na-palaaway naka ron?" "Sauna lagi wala." Answered him "Feel lang nako."
He knows about my ex, the other girlfriendS, my crying marathon.
Why I haven't done these things for myself? There's no friendster to make messy breakups that time. The ex? Not friends with the technology. It's all my ex's fault not the other girlfriends, i never heard anything about me from them, their only fault is listening to my ex's lies.
Or maybe...I can't fight for myself...I can only cry...keep dark thoughts locked up inside my mind...
Whatever the answers may be, I know for sure, I love my friends, I'll fight their battles.

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